Class Details

Rubik's Cube 魔方

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Jing Wang TBD 10 Every Sunday, 3:30PM - 4:20PM $90 10 Register Me!


Rubik's Cube is a 3-D combination puzzle,originally called the Magic Cube,and also called Magic Cube, Speed Cube, Puzzle Cube and Cube.There are other not so obvious advantages to solving the Rubik's cube that will indirectly help your brain become sharper. For one, it betters your eye-hand coordination. It improves your concentration in general and ensures that you are able to process your thoughts faster. the ten lessons of the summer camp, we can learn Rubik's cube 3*3 (6 lessons) and Rubik's cube (3 lessons). The last lesson can be reviewed and contested. The Rubik’s Cube is not easy for beginners.Therefore, the course requires a certain interest in Rubik's Cube, and students over 7 years of age to participate.

Rubik's Cube是 3D组合拼图,最初称为Magic Cube,也称为Speed Cube,Puzzle Cube和 Cube。解决 Rubik's cube的优点不是很明显,它可以间接帮助您的大脑变得更加灵活敏锐;它可以改善您的手眼协调能力。总体而言,它可以提高您的注意力,并确保您能够更快地处理自己的想法。对于暑假的这十次课,我们可以学习三阶(6次课)和二阶(3次课)两种魔方,最后一次课可进行复习和比赛。对于初学者来说,学习魔方并不容易。所以课程要求对魔方有一定的兴趣,并且在7岁以上的学生参加。

  • 教 学对象:students over 7 years of age to participate (岁以上的学生参加。)


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