Class Details

AI Machine Learning in Python Scratch 3D-2 高级班 竞赛

Teacher ZOOM Link Capacity Time Tuition Number of Sessions Register
David Zhang TBD 10 Every Sunday, 3:30PM - 4:20PM $90 10 Register Me!


Teacher: Professor. David Zhang, Ph.D, Sr. Software Engineer, MS certificated developer, system administrator, Oracle certificated DBA, JAVA programmer, Unix Administrator, AWS solution Architect,Faculty Professor, IT , Univ. Of Phoenix

Textbook and Workbook: Computer and online access。

Prerequisite:  Programming-related tutorials and exercises: had classes in current 3D game class scratch, python or any other coding/programming experience (the only difference being the syntax). We are building our coding contest team.

AI is the future of world and complicated. We learn the key technology: machine learning (ML) to give the student confidence and  introduction core programming needed to learn Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence (AI), with State-of-the-art and end-to-end learning path - do project-based practice to give student confidence and bird’s eye view and to see how they all of data-statistical summaries-visualization-predictions to fit together( end-to-end and cover the key steps).

Use python to do machine learn: collect data as input and build a table (examples) ->assign label and measurement to different objects with multiple variables (features and input tables)->write classifier with supervised learning to train classifier (~write function) --> see output as make predictions


  • Student can do machine learning by student themselves, write code tell difference and prediction. 
  • Code once and can solve many problems without needing to be rewritten with similar approach. 
  • Build one on a real dataset, add code to visualize it, and practice


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